"Government spends thousands of taxpayer dollars on absolutely nothing." Thank you for pointing out the obvious, FOX!
There is just so much out in the world today and I have so much to say about it all! You may or may not care what I have to say, just as you may or may not care about things going on around us. I know many who choose to live in a vacuum, but I cannot. Much of what I say is going to just be my commentary on life, politics, kids, church, etc. Opinions from A to Z! Enjoy...or not. There is still SOME freedom of thought in these parts! If you choose to make comments, please keep them respectful.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
The Power of Deliverance - Ensign May 2012 - ensign
The Power of Deliverance - Ensign May 2012 - ensign
"Neither the Bible nor the Book of Mormon in and of themselves is sufficient. Both are necessary for us to teach and learn about the full and complete doctrine of Christ. The need for the other does not diminish either one of them. Both the Bible and the Book of Mormon are necessary for our salvation and exaltation. As President Ezra Taft Benson so powerfully taught, 'When used together, the Bible and the Book of Mormon confound false doctrines' (“A New Witness for Christ,” Ensign, Nov. 1984, 8)."
"Neither the Bible nor the Book of Mormon in and of themselves is sufficient. Both are necessary for us to teach and learn about the full and complete doctrine of Christ. The need for the other does not diminish either one of them. Both the Bible and the Book of Mormon are necessary for our salvation and exaltation. As President Ezra Taft Benson so powerfully taught, 'When used together, the Bible and the Book of Mormon confound false doctrines' (“A New Witness for Christ,” Ensign, Nov. 1984, 8)."
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
School Dress Code Bans Strapless Dresses for Girls at Dance | Parenting - Yahoo! Shine
School Dress Code Bans Strapless Dresses for Girls at Dance | Parenting - Yahoo! Shine
"If I want to allow my daughter to look like a tramp, who are you to tell me I can't!"
"I like letting my daughter go about dressing immodestly! The more boob she shows, the better!"
"I want boys to be able to look down my daughter's dress! I'm very comfortable with my 13 year old expressing her blossoming sexuality!"
I wonder, will these be the sentiments expressed by parents at the upcoming school board meeting? I doubt it. I can't believe 1) parents are letting 8th graders buy strapless dresses (particularly dads), and 2) they are protesting modesty.
"If I want to allow my daughter to look like a tramp, who are you to tell me I can't!"
"I like letting my daughter go about dressing immodestly! The more boob she shows, the better!"
"I want boys to be able to look down my daughter's dress! I'm very comfortable with my 13 year old expressing her blossoming sexuality!"
I wonder, will these be the sentiments expressed by parents at the upcoming school board meeting? I doubt it. I can't believe 1) parents are letting 8th graders buy strapless dresses (particularly dads), and 2) they are protesting modesty.
I am a Mormon Because I am a Feminist
Meridian Magazine - I am a Mormon Because I am a Feminist
I really do detest both the terms "feminist" and "progressive." For me, the things that come to mind at the sound of those terms is not positive, but strongly negative. Thank you, Democrats, NOW, and all related groups (and group-think). However, this is an excellent article, delineating the love God has for his daughters, and the message the Gospel has for women.
I really do detest both the terms "feminist" and "progressive." For me, the things that come to mind at the sound of those terms is not positive, but strongly negative. Thank you, Democrats, NOW, and all related groups (and group-think). However, this is an excellent article, delineating the love God has for his daughters, and the message the Gospel has for women.
Just a slew of updates from my favorite talk programs...
Michael Medved
Imagine how enlightened leftists on college
campuses would react to a story about a small town police force
arresting young men for keeping their hair too long, and then brutally
shaving their heads—or savagely beating teenagers for the crime of
wearing fashionable skinny jeans.
Would politically correct kids express sympathy and understanding for such repressive cops?
But when the outrageous cruelty occurs in Gaza, it doesn’t stop American progressives from siding with the Islamist terrorist group, Hamas. Student activists and others continue to back Hamas with their ‘Boycott, Divest and Sanction’ campaign against Israel—even though Hamas would oppress such activists and all others who dared deviate from fundamentalist Muslim law. The secular left comes together with Islamic radicals not based on shared values, but only through shared hatred of America, Israel and the Western world.
Most Americans know instinctively that marital
relationships between men and women count as more consequential, more
beneficial to society, than even the most loving connections between
couples of the same gender. Those same-sex partnerships shouldn’t be
banned or derided, but they shouldn’t be equated with traditional
marriage, either.
Heterosexual unions derive their incomparable energy by uniting two partners across this vast male-female divide—a gap far larger and more elemental than any differences of race, class, education, ideology or age. The power of unifying males and females is reflected in their unique ability to produce offspring—rather than pro-creative ability by itself conferring distinctive significance on man woman-couples. Even childless partnerships between males and females bring together contrasting gender outlooks and roles in a manner that deserves the sponsorship and encouragement of organized society.
Dennis Prager
Question: What is the difference between Christian seminaries and American universities?Answer:
Christian seminaries announce that their purpose is to produce
committed Christians. American universities do not admit that their
primary purpose is to produce committed leftists. They claim that their
purpose is to open students' minds.
This month Florida Atlantic University provided yet another example of how universities have become left-wing seminaries.
An FAU professor told his students to write "JESUS" (in bold caps) on a piece of paper and then step on it.
One student who did not, a junior named Ryan Rotela, complained to the professor and then to the professor's supervisor. He explained that he had refused to do so because it violated his religious principles.
Two days later, Rotela was told not to attend the class anymore. The university then went on to defend the professor in an email to a local CBS TV station: "Faculty and students at academic institutions pursue knowledge and engage in open discourse. While at times the topics discussed may be sensitive, a university environment is a venue for such dialogue and debate."
FAU further pointed out that the stomping exercise -- to "discuss the importance of symbols in culture" -- came from a textbook titled "Intercultural Communication: A Contextual Approach."
After the story became national news, FAU issued an apology: "We sincerely apologize for any offense this has caused. Florida Atlantic University respects all religions and welcomes people of all faiths, backgrounds and beliefs."
Of course, this "apology" was meaningless. Apologizing for "giving offense" has nothing to do with condemning the act. Not to mention that kicking Rotela out of the class belied the university's claim of open discourse.
This story is significant because it provides yet another example of the deteriorated state of American higher education. There are some excellent professors in the so-called "social sciences" at American universities. But they are in the minority. The left has taken over American universities as well as most high schools, and like almost everything the left has influenced -- education, religion, the arts and the economies of most countries -- this influence has been destructive.
The argument that the professor represents no one but himself is refuted by the fact that the university defended the professor until it feared the national outcry that resulted.
Moreover, in another nationally reported incident, Northwestern University acted similarly in 2011. One of its professors invited his 600 students to stay after class to watch a live demonstration of female ejaculation, the subject of that day's class. A naked young woman (not a student) then used a motorized sex toy to come to orgasm. About 120 of the students watched.
When word got out, Northwestern defended the professor: "Northwestern University faculty members engage in teaching and research on a wide variety of topics, some of them controversial and at the leading edge of their respective disciplines. The university supports the efforts of its faculty to further the advancement of knowledge."
Like FAU, only after national condemnation increased did Northwestern "apologize."
Entire books have been written providing hundreds of examples of left-wing indoctrination having replaced education in American universities. FAU is just the latest example.
It is also instructive that the name to be stepped on was JESUS, not, for instance, MUHAMMAD, ALLAH or, for that matter, BILL CLINTON or MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.
Imagine the reaction at FAU if a professor had told students to step on the name MUHAMMAD. The professor would be condemned at huge rallies organized by the university to protest "Islamophobia." And he would fear for his life. Desecrate Christianity and you get tenure. Desecrate Islam and you get bodyguards.
Or, imagine if the name had been MARTIN LUTHER KING. FAU professors would have competed with one another in expressing outrage at this example of the racism that pervades the university and America. The president of the university would have issued a statement condemning the professor and distancing FAU from his action.
And is there one reader of this column who is surprised to learn that the FAU professor, Deandre Poole, is vice-chairman of the Palm Beach County Democratic Party? Or that the party defended him?
This is why I founded Prager University (www.prageru.org): to undo in five-minute courses the intellectual and moral damage that universities do over four years. And unlike FAU and Northwestern, PragerU is free.
The universities' damage is huge and enduring. And you don't have to believe in JESUS to recognize it.
The Politics of Shared Hatred, Not Shared Values
Would politically correct kids express sympathy and understanding for such repressive cops?
But when the outrageous cruelty occurs in Gaza, it doesn’t stop American progressives from siding with the Islamist terrorist group, Hamas. Student activists and others continue to back Hamas with their ‘Boycott, Divest and Sanction’ campaign against Israel—even though Hamas would oppress such activists and all others who dared deviate from fundamentalist Muslim law. The secular left comes together with Islamic radicals not based on shared values, but only through shared hatred of America, Israel and the Western world.
Unique Power in Traditional Marriage
Heterosexual unions derive their incomparable energy by uniting two partners across this vast male-female divide—a gap far larger and more elemental than any differences of race, class, education, ideology or age. The power of unifying males and females is reflected in their unique ability to produce offspring—rather than pro-creative ability by itself conferring distinctive significance on man woman-couples. Even childless partnerships between males and females bring together contrasting gender outlooks and roles in a manner that deserves the sponsorship and encouragement of organized society.
Dennis Prager
Lessons from Boston and Chechnya
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
We cannot bring back the stolen lives. We cannot bring
back the lost limbs or the lost hearing. And we cannot mitigate the
infinite grief of the victims' loved ones.But there is something we can and must do: We must learn all the lessons we can.
Here are some:
1. The gulf between the decent and the indecent
Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older brother, once told an interviewer before a Golden Gloves boxing competition: "I don't have a single American friend. I don't understand them."
The reason Tsarnaev didn't understand Americans was not primarily cultural. Tsarnaev came to America when he was 14 or 15, an age when the vast majority of immigrants to America have assimilated quite successfully.
Rather, the reason was that the indecent don't understand the decent, just as the decent don't understand the indecent.
One of the greatest insights I learned as a young man came from reading Viktor Frankl's seminal work, "Man's Search for Meaning." Frankl was a Jewish psychoanalyst who survived Auschwitz, where nearly every member of his family, including his wife, was murdered. His conclusion: "There are two races of men in this world but only these two. The race of the decent man and the race of the indecent man."
Those "races" do not understand one another. But more important than understanding the indecent is overpowering and, when necessary, destroying the indecent.
2. Any religion or ideology that is above good and evil produces enormous evil.
For tens of millions of Muslims today, Islam is beyond good and evil: The infidel may be decent, but that is of no importance to the radical Islamist. For example, to become a "more religious" Muslim, Tamerlan Tsarnaev gave up boxing, marijuana, tobacco and even not wearing a shirt in the presence of females. Tsarnaev believed Islam forbade those things -- none of which is an evil. But when it came to the greatest evil -- murder (of non-Muslims) -- his religion was not only silent, it was enthusiastically supportive.
Likewise, communists in the Soviet Union, China and elsewhere -- and their many supporters in the West -- raised the creation of egalitarian society and industrialization above good and evil. And Nazism elevated race above good and evil. The environmentalists who oppose vitamin A-injected rice in the Third World place their agenda above good and evil.
Unfortunately, most religious and secular ideologues find preoccupation with human decency boring. The greatest moral idea in history, ethical monotheism, doesn't excite most people.
3. A victimhood identity produces cruelty.
The Tsarnaev brothers' primary self-perception was that of being Chechen victims, and that plus their religious convictions allowed them to blow up men, women and children with a perfectly clear conscience. Even when victimhood status is objectively true -- which it was not for these brothers, who were among the spectacularly fortunate few to be able to live in freedom and with unlimited opportunities -- nothing provides people with as good a reason to commit atrocities as does a victim mentality.
4. Happiness is a moral issue.
Happiness is not an emotional state so much as it is a moral imperative. In general, those who act happy make the world better and those who act unhappy make it worse. This is equally true in the micro and macro realms. It is not surprising, therefore, that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was described by a cousin, Zaur Tsarnaev, in this way: "He was never happy, never cheering, never smiling."
5. Boys will be bad men if they had no good men.
It is apparent that the younger brother Dzhokhar was deeply influenced by his brother, Tamerlan, who was seven years older. All of us who have an older brother, especially with a large age gap, know that he has a god-like status in the eyes of a young boy.
If good men do not inspire boys, bad men will. Without good older men in boys' lives, those boys are likely to grow up and do bad things. See our inner cities for further confirmation.
6. Universities and the left generally continue to deny any link between Muslim terrorists and their Muslim beliefs.
Just as in previous acts of Islamist terror, the left in general, and university professors in particular, continue to argue that it is wrong -- actually bigoted -- to associate these terrorists' religious beliefs with their terrorism.
Michael Eric Dyson, Georgetown professor of sociology: "So you take one part of the element, that he's Muslim. But he also might have listened to classical music. He might have had some Lil Wayne."
MSNBC host Melissa Harris- Perry: "I keep wondering is it possible that there would ever be a discussion like, 'This is because of Ben Affleck and the connection between Boston and movies about violence?' And of course, the answer is no. ... Our very sense of connection to them is this framed-up notion of, like, Islam making them something that is non-normal."
Zaheer Ali -- Harvard graduate, recipient of Columbia University's Merit Scholars Graduate Fellowship, recipient of the Social Science Research Council's Mellon Mays Pre-Doctoral Research Grant -- on MSNBC: "It isn't Muslim that is a common thing here, it's people who are alienated."
Professor Brian Levin -- director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino (formerly associate director of the Southern Poverty Law Center) -- to Bill Maher:
"Look, it's not like people who are Muslim who do wacky things have a monopoly on it. We have hypocrites across faiths, Jewish, Christian who say they're out for God and end up doing not so nice things."
Bill Maher's response: "That's liberal bullshit."
And that's what our children are routinely taught.
Here are some:
1. The gulf between the decent and the indecent
Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older brother, once told an interviewer before a Golden Gloves boxing competition: "I don't have a single American friend. I don't understand them."
The reason Tsarnaev didn't understand Americans was not primarily cultural. Tsarnaev came to America when he was 14 or 15, an age when the vast majority of immigrants to America have assimilated quite successfully.
Rather, the reason was that the indecent don't understand the decent, just as the decent don't understand the indecent.
One of the greatest insights I learned as a young man came from reading Viktor Frankl's seminal work, "Man's Search for Meaning." Frankl was a Jewish psychoanalyst who survived Auschwitz, where nearly every member of his family, including his wife, was murdered. His conclusion: "There are two races of men in this world but only these two. The race of the decent man and the race of the indecent man."
Those "races" do not understand one another. But more important than understanding the indecent is overpowering and, when necessary, destroying the indecent.
2. Any religion or ideology that is above good and evil produces enormous evil.
For tens of millions of Muslims today, Islam is beyond good and evil: The infidel may be decent, but that is of no importance to the radical Islamist. For example, to become a "more religious" Muslim, Tamerlan Tsarnaev gave up boxing, marijuana, tobacco and even not wearing a shirt in the presence of females. Tsarnaev believed Islam forbade those things -- none of which is an evil. But when it came to the greatest evil -- murder (of non-Muslims) -- his religion was not only silent, it was enthusiastically supportive.
Likewise, communists in the Soviet Union, China and elsewhere -- and their many supporters in the West -- raised the creation of egalitarian society and industrialization above good and evil. And Nazism elevated race above good and evil. The environmentalists who oppose vitamin A-injected rice in the Third World place their agenda above good and evil.
Unfortunately, most religious and secular ideologues find preoccupation with human decency boring. The greatest moral idea in history, ethical monotheism, doesn't excite most people.
3. A victimhood identity produces cruelty.
The Tsarnaev brothers' primary self-perception was that of being Chechen victims, and that plus their religious convictions allowed them to blow up men, women and children with a perfectly clear conscience. Even when victimhood status is objectively true -- which it was not for these brothers, who were among the spectacularly fortunate few to be able to live in freedom and with unlimited opportunities -- nothing provides people with as good a reason to commit atrocities as does a victim mentality.
4. Happiness is a moral issue.
Happiness is not an emotional state so much as it is a moral imperative. In general, those who act happy make the world better and those who act unhappy make it worse. This is equally true in the micro and macro realms. It is not surprising, therefore, that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was described by a cousin, Zaur Tsarnaev, in this way: "He was never happy, never cheering, never smiling."
5. Boys will be bad men if they had no good men.
It is apparent that the younger brother Dzhokhar was deeply influenced by his brother, Tamerlan, who was seven years older. All of us who have an older brother, especially with a large age gap, know that he has a god-like status in the eyes of a young boy.
If good men do not inspire boys, bad men will. Without good older men in boys' lives, those boys are likely to grow up and do bad things. See our inner cities for further confirmation.
6. Universities and the left generally continue to deny any link between Muslim terrorists and their Muslim beliefs.
Just as in previous acts of Islamist terror, the left in general, and university professors in particular, continue to argue that it is wrong -- actually bigoted -- to associate these terrorists' religious beliefs with their terrorism.
Michael Eric Dyson, Georgetown professor of sociology: "So you take one part of the element, that he's Muslim. But he also might have listened to classical music. He might have had some Lil Wayne."
MSNBC host Melissa Harris- Perry: "I keep wondering is it possible that there would ever be a discussion like, 'This is because of Ben Affleck and the connection between Boston and movies about violence?' And of course, the answer is no. ... Our very sense of connection to them is this framed-up notion of, like, Islam making them something that is non-normal."
Zaheer Ali -- Harvard graduate, recipient of Columbia University's Merit Scholars Graduate Fellowship, recipient of the Social Science Research Council's Mellon Mays Pre-Doctoral Research Grant -- on MSNBC: "It isn't Muslim that is a common thing here, it's people who are alienated."
Professor Brian Levin -- director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino (formerly associate director of the Southern Poverty Law Center) -- to Bill Maher:
"Look, it's not like people who are Muslim who do wacky things have a monopoly on it. We have hypocrites across faiths, Jewish, Christian who say they're out for God and end up doing not so nice things."
Bill Maher's response: "That's liberal bullshit."
And that's what our children are routinely taught.
Florida Atlantic University: Another Left-Wing Seminary
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
This month Florida Atlantic University provided yet another example of how universities have become left-wing seminaries.
An FAU professor told his students to write "JESUS" (in bold caps) on a piece of paper and then step on it.
One student who did not, a junior named Ryan Rotela, complained to the professor and then to the professor's supervisor. He explained that he had refused to do so because it violated his religious principles.
Two days later, Rotela was told not to attend the class anymore. The university then went on to defend the professor in an email to a local CBS TV station: "Faculty and students at academic institutions pursue knowledge and engage in open discourse. While at times the topics discussed may be sensitive, a university environment is a venue for such dialogue and debate."
FAU further pointed out that the stomping exercise -- to "discuss the importance of symbols in culture" -- came from a textbook titled "Intercultural Communication: A Contextual Approach."
After the story became national news, FAU issued an apology: "We sincerely apologize for any offense this has caused. Florida Atlantic University respects all religions and welcomes people of all faiths, backgrounds and beliefs."
Of course, this "apology" was meaningless. Apologizing for "giving offense" has nothing to do with condemning the act. Not to mention that kicking Rotela out of the class belied the university's claim of open discourse.
This story is significant because it provides yet another example of the deteriorated state of American higher education. There are some excellent professors in the so-called "social sciences" at American universities. But they are in the minority. The left has taken over American universities as well as most high schools, and like almost everything the left has influenced -- education, religion, the arts and the economies of most countries -- this influence has been destructive.
The argument that the professor represents no one but himself is refuted by the fact that the university defended the professor until it feared the national outcry that resulted.
Moreover, in another nationally reported incident, Northwestern University acted similarly in 2011. One of its professors invited his 600 students to stay after class to watch a live demonstration of female ejaculation, the subject of that day's class. A naked young woman (not a student) then used a motorized sex toy to come to orgasm. About 120 of the students watched.
When word got out, Northwestern defended the professor: "Northwestern University faculty members engage in teaching and research on a wide variety of topics, some of them controversial and at the leading edge of their respective disciplines. The university supports the efforts of its faculty to further the advancement of knowledge."
Like FAU, only after national condemnation increased did Northwestern "apologize."
Entire books have been written providing hundreds of examples of left-wing indoctrination having replaced education in American universities. FAU is just the latest example.
It is also instructive that the name to be stepped on was JESUS, not, for instance, MUHAMMAD, ALLAH or, for that matter, BILL CLINTON or MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.
Imagine the reaction at FAU if a professor had told students to step on the name MUHAMMAD. The professor would be condemned at huge rallies organized by the university to protest "Islamophobia." And he would fear for his life. Desecrate Christianity and you get tenure. Desecrate Islam and you get bodyguards.
Or, imagine if the name had been MARTIN LUTHER KING. FAU professors would have competed with one another in expressing outrage at this example of the racism that pervades the university and America. The president of the university would have issued a statement condemning the professor and distancing FAU from his action.
And is there one reader of this column who is surprised to learn that the FAU professor, Deandre Poole, is vice-chairman of the Palm Beach County Democratic Party? Or that the party defended him?
This is why I founded Prager University (www.prageru.org): to undo in five-minute courses the intellectual and moral damage that universities do over four years. And unlike FAU and Northwestern, PragerU is free.
The universities' damage is huge and enduring. And you don't have to believe in JESUS to recognize it.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Lawmakers warn cost of federal free phone program spinning out of control | Fox News
Lawmakers warn cost of federal free phone program spinning out of control | Fox News
Sorry, don't have a lot of pithy anything to say about this one, except..."DUH! You think!?"
Sorry, don't have a lot of pithy anything to say about this one, except..."DUH! You think!?"
Friday, April 19, 2013
I'm not on Facebook anymore, but that doesn't mean I don't still have funny things to "repost." Enjoy!
I almost wet my pants over this one:
Suggested captions: "Eat every bite Brandine, we's got to git your weight up if we's going to get the blue ribbon at the fair." Or ""That'll do pig, that'll do" (lapsed into a coughing fit on both accounts!).
Happy day!! I hope you enjoyed the laughs.
Suspect 'surrounded' in boat behind home near Boston
Suspect 'surrounded' in boat behind home near Boston, sources tell Fox News | Fox News
If it weren't for the information we need to shake out of this punk....
If it weren't for the information we need to shake out of this punk....
What do you mean my children don't belong to me???
File this one under "Things that make your head explode."
I really, truly cannot believe that there are people (Hillary Clinton) who actually believe they have the right to my children, or that my children are not mine, but "ours." Thank you, but no, we'll keep our kids to ourselves, thank you (homeschool).
I really, truly cannot believe that there are people (Hillary Clinton) who actually believe they have the right to my children, or that my children are not mine, but "ours." Thank you, but no, we'll keep our kids to ourselves, thank you (homeschool).
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Knot Yet: Delaying Marriage
Meridian Magazine - Knot Yet: Delaying Marriage - Meridian Magazine - LDS, Mormon and Latter-day Saint News and Views
This article presents more sad news about the choices our younger generation is making. Delaying marriage, a ridiculous fear of commitment, selfishness that leads these twenty and thirty year-olds to put off what essentially growing up, all has detrimental consequences on social structures! Marriage has taken so many hits over the last 50 years of social upheaval, I fear it will never recover. Unfortunately, neither will society, as it continues to pay the cost of peoples' selfish choices.
This article presents more sad news about the choices our younger generation is making. Delaying marriage, a ridiculous fear of commitment, selfishness that leads these twenty and thirty year-olds to put off what essentially growing up, all has detrimental consequences on social structures! Marriage has taken so many hits over the last 50 years of social upheaval, I fear it will never recover. Unfortunately, neither will society, as it continues to pay the cost of peoples' selfish choices.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Another great quote from C.S. Lewis
If God thinks this state of war in the universe a price worth paying for free will...then we may take it it is worth paying.
So true. 2 Nephi 2: 11- 30 makes the reason, and the difficulty, behind agency so terribly clear. Hard as it is in this life to not be able to "bend" others, or as do-gooding politicians would like, humanity as a whole, to our own will, that is at odds with our Creator's purpose for our lives.
So true. 2 Nephi 2: 11- 30 makes the reason, and the difficulty, behind agency so terribly clear. Hard as it is in this life to not be able to "bend" others, or as do-gooding politicians would like, humanity as a whole, to our own will, that is at odds with our Creator's purpose for our lives.
11 For it must needs be, that there is an aopposition in all things. If not so, my firstborn in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility.
12 Wherefore, it must needs have been created for a thing of naught; wherefore there would have been no apurpose in the end of its creation. Wherefore, this thing must needs destroy the wisdom of God and his eternal purposes, and also the power, and the mercy, and the bjustice of God.
13 And if ye shall say there is ano law, ye shall also say there is no sin. If ye shall say there is no sin, ye shall also say there is no righteousness. And if there be no righteousness there be no happiness. And if there be no righteousness nor happiness there be no punishment nor misery. And if these things are not bthere is no God. And if there is no God we are not, neither the earth; for there could have been no creation of things, neither to act nor to be acted upon; wherefore, all things must have vanished away.
14 And now, my sons, I speak unto you these things for your profit and alearning; for there is a God, and he hath bcreated all things, both the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are, both things to act and things to be cacted upon.
15 And to bring about his eternal apurposes in the end of man, after he had bcreated our first parents, and the beasts of the field and the cfowls of the air, and in fine, all things which are created, it must needs be that there was an opposition; even the dforbidden efruit in fopposition to the gtree of life; the one being sweet and the other bitter.
16 Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should aact for himself. Wherefore, man could not bact for himself save it should be that he was centiced by the one or the other.
17 And I, Lehi, according to the things which I have read, must needs suppose that an aangel of God, according to that which is written, had bfallen from heaven; wherefore, he became a cdevil, having sought that which was evil before God.
18 And because he had fallen from heaven, and had become miserable forever, he asought also the misery of all mankind. Wherefore, he said unto Eve, yea, even that old serpent, who is the devil, who is the father of all blies, wherefore he said: Partake of the forbidden fruit, and ye shall not die, but ye shall be as God, cknowing good and evil.
19 And after Adam and Eve had apartaken of the forbidden fruit they were driven out of the garden of bEden, to till the earth.
21 And the days of the children of amen were prolonged, according to the bwill of God, that they might crepent while in the flesh; wherefore, their state became a state of dprobation, and their time was lengthened, according to the commandments which the Lord God gave unto the children of men. For he gave commandment that all men must repent; for he showed unto all men that they were elost, because of the transgression of their parents.
22 And now, behold, if Adam had not transgressed he would not have fallen, but he would have remained in the garden of Eden. And all things which were created must have remained in the same state in which they were after they were created; and they must have remained forever, and had no end.
23 And they would have had no achildren; wherefore they would have remained in a state of innocence, having no bjoy, for they knew no misery; doing no good, for they knew no csin.
26 And the aMessiah cometh in the fulness of time, that he may bredeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are credeemed from the fall they have become dfree forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, save it be by the punishment of the elaw at the great and last day, according to the commandments which God hath given.
27 Wherefore, men are afree according to the bflesh; and call things are dgiven them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to echoose fliberty and eternal glife, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be hmiserable like unto himself.
28 And now, my sons, I would that ye should look to the great aMediator, and hearken unto his great commandments; and be faithful unto his words, and choose eternal life, according to the will of his Holy Spirit;
29 And not choose eternal death, according to the will of the flesh and the aevil which is therein, which giveth the spirit of the devil power to bcaptivate, to bring you down to chell, that he may reign over you in his own kingdom.
30 I have spoken these few words unto you all, my sons, in the last days of my probation; and I have chosen the good part, according to the words of the prophet. And I have none other object save it be the everlasting awelfare of your souls. Amen.
Friday, April 12, 2013
A Secular Approach to Same-Sex Marriage – An Illogical Counterfeit
Meridian Magazine - A Secular Approach to Same-Sex Marriage – An Illogical Counterfeit
"Pastor Rick Warren made a fundamentally true and valid observation in this regard. He said, "Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone's lifestyle, you must fear them or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don't have to compromise convictions to be compassionate." Many are the arguments against same-sex marriage, and none of them frankly have anything to do with discrimination or homophobia.
Doug Mainwaring, an avowed homosexual, proves Warren’s assertion. “Two men or two women together is, in truth, nothing like a man and a woman creating a life and a family together… Marriage is not an elastic term. It is immutable. It offers the very best for children and society. We should not adulterate nor mutilate its definition, thereby denying its riches to current and future generations.”
Excellent article on this point. Amen! Now, if only the SCOTUS will agree with the author.
"Pastor Rick Warren made a fundamentally true and valid observation in this regard. He said, "Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone's lifestyle, you must fear them or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don't have to compromise convictions to be compassionate." Many are the arguments against same-sex marriage, and none of them frankly have anything to do with discrimination or homophobia.
Doug Mainwaring, an avowed homosexual, proves Warren’s assertion. “Two men or two women together is, in truth, nothing like a man and a woman creating a life and a family together… Marriage is not an elastic term. It is immutable. It offers the very best for children and society. We should not adulterate nor mutilate its definition, thereby denying its riches to current and future generations.”
Excellent article on this point. Amen! Now, if only the SCOTUS will agree with the author.
Bidens give 1.9 percent of income to charity | Fox News
Bidens give 1.9 percent of income to charity | Fox News
Gee, Joe, it's mighty white of you to expect us to all kick in for higher taxes to help the "needy," why do you start by paying a Christian tithe (10%) on your income to some worthy charity, if not your church? Perhaps you think being our veep is charitable enough? Let me assure you, it is not.
Gee, Joe, it's mighty white of you to expect us to all kick in for higher taxes to help the "needy," why do you start by paying a Christian tithe (10%) on your income to some worthy charity, if not your church? Perhaps you think being our veep is charitable enough? Let me assure you, it is not.
German home-schooling family fights to stay in US | Fox News
German home-schooling family fights to stay in US | Fox News
Sorry? Gay marriage and government provided health care are "human rights," but the right to educate my children as I see fit, without being tossed in jail or having my kids stolen by the state, is not? Yup! We're screwed.
Sorry? Gay marriage and government provided health care are "human rights," but the right to educate my children as I see fit, without being tossed in jail or having my kids stolen by the state, is not? Yup! We're screwed.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Margaret Thatcher remembered as tough, controversial
Margaret Thatcher remembered as tough, controversial
I do not know anyone who has got to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top, but should get you pretty near.
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher
The world needs more Maggies & less Hillarys. You will be missed greatly, Iron Lady.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
UIL Participation for Home Schoolers – Update on SB 929
UIL Participation for Home Schoolers – Update on SB 929
Yipee!!!!! I am so excited for my 13 year old who is coming home for high school next year. She is a talented cellist who wants to continue with her school orchestra participation. Passage of this bill would make that possible. I am doing the Snoopy dance today!
Yipee!!!!! I am so excited for my 13 year old who is coming home for high school next year. She is a talented cellist who wants to continue with her school orchestra participation. Passage of this bill would make that possible. I am doing the Snoopy dance today!
Boot Camp: Day One. What was I thinking?
I have been curious about boot camping, and I'm at a point in my life where I really just want somebody to tell me what to do, & I'll do it. Actually, I've been there for several years.
My degree is in Exercise Science and during the early to mid-90s, I taught up to 12 aerobics & step classes a week, and lifted weights 3-4 nights a week. I swore I'd never take a fitness class if the option was open to me, I was so tired of teaching by the time I got out of it. That was in my 20s. In my 40s, I'm singing a different tune. Somebody, please, just tell me when to grapevine and when to breathe!
Having been very fit in my 20s, birthing two babies, one at 28 and one at 31, has pitted my body image and weight against my better sense some days. I'm a wee petite at 4'10" and 5 pounds makes a big difference when you're as close to the ground as I am. Ten pounds? Don't get me started! And sucking it all out is just not an option ($$), or I would probably do it!
I did start teaching yoga again about 2 years ago (note: yoga is NOT a big calorie burner!) and have been steadily increasing and regularizing my weekly exercise this past year. My Fitness Pal became my BFF from March-July 2012, and I started to see some terrific results. I dropped from 121 to 115 in 4 months.
And then we went on vacation, and I got away from religiously noting every crumb that went into my mouth or drop of sweat that left my brow. Here it is April 1st, 2013, and I'm back to 118. :( Arg!
What I have to get serious about is increasing my lean muscle. It is, after all, the super metabolically active part of you that actually BURNS the calories you consume. Duh! I know this! You eat to feed it, not your adipose tissue (fat). The problem as we age becomes 1) a decreasing muscle mass, which lowers the rate at which you burn calories (metabolism), 2) decreasing exercise levels (ugh! Who got time for dat!? This does, of course, exacerbate #1, btw)), and 3) lowering calorie intake levels to match with #2. Be certain, few of us actually think about lowering calorie intake just because we are aging. Alas, all that adds up to annual weight gain, increasing fat on our bodies, and the breakdown of our wonderful lean mass. Not great, not great at all. At least not when you remember with horror seeing your mom in a bathing suit when she was a mere 10 years older than you are now and vowing to never look "like that!"
So, the results from the Saturday orientation at Fitness 101 are this:
We performed both the F.M.S. (Functional Movement Screen) and the Body Fat percentage test (using calipers).
The F.M.S. is designed to “raise red flags” on certain movements that your body should be able to perform. The highest score you can get is a 21, but the goal is not to get a perfect score. Research has shown that a total score of below 14 greatly INCREASES your risk of injury when
performing a vigorous exercise program.
Here are your FMS scores:
*Deep Squat- 3 *Hurdle Step (L) 3 (R) 3 *Inline Lunge (L) 3 (R) 3
* Shoulder M (L) 3 (R) 3
*Active S.L.R (L) 3 (R) 3 *Trunk Stability 3 *Push-up ---- Rotary Stability (L) 3 (R) 3
And the body fat percentage measures how much of your body is comprised of fat (in a percentage). We use a caliper method, which performed correctly can be very accurate. But there is always a 1-2 % margin for error. There are also a few factors that can affect your results. Here
is a partial list of influencing factors: how soon you ate before the test, whether you just exercised, how hydrated you are. With that being said, here are your body fat results:
Body Weight: 120 lbs (with my shoes on!!) Body Fat %: 26.7 %
Pounds of Lean Tissue 87.96 lbs Pounds of Fat 32.04 lbs
As a general rule of thumb, women should try to get their body fat in the neighborhood of 20-25%, and men should work to attain 12-16% body fat.
Yeah! I'm perfect on the FMS, but over on the body comp. Now the real work begins---in earnest... finally. I want to see that body fat percentage drop to 22% by the end of May, 2 solid months. If the weight drops to 112, I won't be too sad either. But, as far as I'm concerned the body composition numbers have always been more important.
Tonight was an important step. And I'll be danged if the huffing & puffing that left me dripping with sweat didn't do a fair bit to knock out the rest of that cold!
On ward & upward!
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